G2 ReThink
Version 5.1 Rev. 1

(August 2007)

ReThink is a graphical simulation, analysis, and automation tool that enables decision-makers within complex organizations to visualize how their business process works, to analyze its performance, and to deploy it in real time.

Once the current process is understood, decision-makers can experiment with alternative work-flow models to redesign the business process in order to:

ReThink has numerous features including process modeling, workflow analysis, "what-if" analysis, simulation management, and online deployment.

This readme file describes:

System Requirements

The recommended system requirements for hardware, operating systems, and networking capability for clients running ReThink are:

Additionally, a 10 Mbps local network connection to the server; performance may vary based on network availability.

Software Requirements

ReThink integrates with Excel to report results and chart trends; therefore, you need to install Excel 2000 SR-1.

ReThink requires that you install Acrobat Reader 4.0 or later, which you need to read online documentation. Acrobat Reader is freely available on the Internet. Gensym does not provide any support or warranty for this product. Please contact Adobe for any issues about Acrobat Reader.

Windows XP and 2000 Users

To install ReThink on Windows XP or 2000, you must have administrator privileges.

After installation, a user without administrator privileges cannot run ReThink until the file permissions on the installed files have been changed. The recommended way to do this is to have the administrator follows these steps after installation:

  1. Choose Properties on the folder that contains the ReThink software, c:\Program Files\Gensym\g2-8.3r1, by default.

  2. Click the Security tab, then click the Advanced button.

  3. Enable the "Reset permissions on all child objects and enable propagation of inheritable permissions" option.

Enabling this option allows the user to run ReThink without giving administrator privileges. The user can now run ReThink.

Bug Fixes

For bug fixes in ReThink Version 5.1 Rev. 1, see Gensym's HelpLink.

Known Problems

ReThink Version 5.1 Rev. 1 has the following known problems:

Starting ReThink

ReThink is a client/server application. To start ReThink, first you must start the server, then you can connect the client. By default, the client connects to the server running on the local host computer at port 1111. The installation program creates shortcuts in the ReThink program group on the Start menu for starting both the server and the client.

By default, when you start ReThink, ReThink opens the default model, which is rethink-online.kb.

You can open a different model at startup by creating and modifying a shortcut to the batch file that starts the ReThink Server.

To open the default ReThink model:

  1. Choose Start > Programs > Gensym G2 8.3r1 > G2 ReThink > Start ReThink Server.

  1. Choose Start > Programs > Gensym G2 8.3r1 > Telewindows Next Generation.

To start ReThink with a different model opened in the server:

  1. Choose Start > Programs > Gensym G2 8.3r1 > G2 ReThink and mouse right on the Start ReThink Server menu choice and choose Create Shortcut.

  1. Display the properties dialog for the shortcut, click the Shortcut tab, and edit the default KB file to open, for example:

  2. Use this shortcut to start the server with your KB file loaded.

Exiting ReThink

When you exit the client, ReThink disconnects the client from the server, leaving the server running.

In general, you should exit the server as well as the client. If you do not exit the server when you exit the client, logging out of your Windows session exits the server automatically.

Caution: Be sure to save your application before you exit ReThink.

To disconnect the ReThink client:

To exit the ReThink server:

ReThink Directories

Directory Description

ActiveX control to integrate with Excel and other MS Office applications.


CorbaLink bridge for custom integrations and development.


Online documentation for ReThink, distributed as WinHelp, PDF, and HTML files.


ReThink server software. This directory also includes G2 fonts and utility kbs.


Advanced G2 developers' tools for building Windows user interfaces, handling runtime events, creating custom message browsers, and other features.


G2 Gateway libraries to build custom integration bridges.


WebLink Web server to build custom Web server applications.


JavaLink bridge to integrate with Java applications.


JavaMail bridge to integrate with Java mail applications. This directory is only available with ReThink Online.


Java Message Server bridge to integrate with Java messaging applications.


Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Version 1.4.2.


ODBC bridge to integrate with ODBC data providers such as databases.


OPCLink bridge for custom integration with OPC compliant servers.


Oracle bridge to integrate with Oracle databases.


PI bridge to integrate with PI servers.


G2 utility to enhance the productivity of customizations.


ReThink KBs required to run the server, as well as example KBs.


Java Socket Manager bridge to integrate with Java sockets.


Sybase bridge to integrate with Sybase databases.

ReThink File Descriptions

This table describes user-level ReThink files in the relevant directories:

File Description

This readme file.


A readme file for the G2 server.


A batch file that starts the ReThink server and loads the rethink-online.kb.


The executable that starts the ReThink client.


A batch file that starts the G2 JMail Bridge for use with the Email Send block.


This KB exists for backward compatibility.


The default model to load when running ReThink from the Start menu.


A ReThink demo model of a manufacturing and distribution process.


A ReThink demo model of an order fulfillment process.


A ReThink demo model used in the Getting Started with ReThink tutorials.


Examples of new functionality introduced in ReThink Version 4.0.


Examples that show how to use some of the online blocks available with ReThink.


Microsoft Access database for use with the online examples.


A pre-configured Excel spreadsheet in which to display reports. This is the default spreadsheet that ReThink uses when generating reports.


A complete user's guide for building and running ReThink models.


A step-by-step tutorial for learning how to build, run, and analyze ReThink models.


A complete user's guide for customizing ReThink blocks, instruments, and resources.


WinHelp files used for launching online help from the Help menu.

Note: You can access the demo models and tutorial solutions from the Start menu under Programs > Gensym G2 8.3r1> G2 ReThink > Examples. You can also access the PDF files from the Start menu under the Documentation folder.

Customer Support

You can obtain help with this or any Gensym product from Gensym Customer Support. Help is available online, by telephone, by fax, and by email.

To obtain customer support online:

You will be asked to log in to an existing account or create a new account if necessary. G2 HelpLink allows you to:

To obtain customer support by telephone, fax, or email: