Pullback is the term used in Vision for returns. A Pullback could be necessary when there is too much stock in stores, or ahead of a price change. This article provides steps related to how to handle Pullbacks in Vision.
- Creating the Pullback header
- Uploading / Creating the Pullback Items
- Uploading / Creating the Pullback Stores
Creating the Pullback header
- On the sidebar go to Maintenance – Pullbacks – Pullback Build Batches
- Here you will find all the pullbacks that have been created, with various search boxes at the top of the screen such as batch number and retailer. To create a new pullback, click on the ‘create new’ button, to the right of these search boxes.
- Select the Retailer you wish to create the pullback for.
Enter the Description, this will be visible to many stakeholders and has a 30-character limit, so it is best to follow a clear naming convention that is easily understood by everyone.
Pull Type ID: will load default settings from that previously created ID.
Send to Merchandiser Date: is the date the information is expected to be sent to the merchandiser.
Pull Date: is the date that the pullback is expected to be actioned by the Merchandiser. All calculations are based off this date.
Number of days from street to exclude items: Your pullback will not return items that have released less than this number of days in the past.
Exclude items from current/future ads or events: If checked, the pullback will not return items that are on a current or future Ad/Event for this retailer.
Exclude if Cost is Less Than: will remove any items for which the cost is lower than the entered amount.
Exclude if Same Pull X Days Back: will remove any item that was on a pullback more recently than the number of days entered.
Pull Products no Longer Orderable: This will return all product with a last orderable date populated in the Item Master File.
Only use Pullback Model: The system is defaulted to leave the higher of the Replenishment (RPL) model or the Pullback model and return the rest. If you check this box the system will ignore the RPL model even if it is higher.
Pull Zero Models Only: if this box is checked, the system will only pull an item if it has a model stock of 0.
Pull to Model if Last Sales Date is “X” Days Back from Pull Date”: The system will automatically pull any item that has not sold within the number of days entered into this box.
Click create to create your pullback header.
Uploading / Creating the Pullback Items
- On the Pullback Build Batches header screen, go into the dropdown menu and select “PB Items”. This is where you can define what items you would like included in the Pullback.
- Here you can either choose to add items individually by clicking on ‘Create New’, or continue with an upload by clicking on ‘Upload’.
- If you use "Upload", create a spreadsheet using the required information listed under ‘Display Format’. Refresh to go back to your Pullback Batch header.
Uploading / Creating the Pullback Stores
- On the Pullback Build Batches header screen, go into the dropdown menu and select “Stores”. This is where you can define what stores you would like included in the Pullback.
- Here you can either continue with an upload by clicking on ‘Upload’ or choose to add stores individually by clicking on ‘Add Store(s)'.
- If you use "Upload", create a spreadsheet using the required information listed under ‘Display Format’. Refresh to go back to your Pullback Batch header.
- Go back to Build Batch header and choose from options dropdown “Submit Explode”. The Pullback will then be calculated by the system. Dependent on number of lines/stores will determine time taken to complete.
- When calculations have completed you can view the results in the following path on the side bar - Maintenance – Pullbacks – Pullback Exploded Batches.
- To view the results, click options dropdown “Detail” to see the store/item transaction, “Item Summary” to see at a rolled-up item level and “Headers” to see at a store level. Changes can be made via options dropdown “Mass Update” and “Upload”.
- When you are happy with the results, the Pullback can be finalised by selecting “Toggle Commit” from the dropdown.
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