Promo end date not syncing to tills


You have a promo running on CIMS, which had an end date of dd-mmm-yy. This promo is still running the day after the end date and running an OVERNIGHT queue doesn't help.


This may happen because of LOC_DEFS.LOC_NAME field has null values in the DB which is not expected and is preventing the population of the list. To fix it in the DB, please, create a Customer Support ticket and provide the promo name and end date.

To process with the promo and pricelist calculation run poll with Control & Validation not included (see check box):




  • The agent should have access to the customer's DB.
  • The queries will need to be adjusted according to the client's implementation and architecture.
  • It is recommended to create backup tables first before changing the data and drop the backup tables after the solution is confirmed.
  • Use unique names for backup tables so that they can be identified.

LOC_DEFS.LOC_NAME is an aggregate of a few other fields and shouldn't have a null value. To fix this issue on the DB level the agent should:
Create Backup:

create table sup.zd2406610_loc_name_temp as 
select loc_num, ltrim(loc_title || ' ' || loc_first_name || ' ' || loc_name) new_loc_name , loc_name
from loc_defs_cr where ploc_type = 'POS' and loc_num in (
select distinct loc_num from sup.zd2406610_loc_defs_cr

Update loc_name:

update loc_defs_cr set loc_name = (select new_loc_name from sup.zd2406610_loc_name_temp where loc_defs_cr.loc_num = sup.zd2406610_loc_name_temp.loc_num ) where loc_num in (
select distinct loc_num from sup.zd2406610_loc_defs_cr
) and exists (select 1 from sup.zd2406610_loc_name_temp where loc_defs_cr.loc_num = sup.zd2406610_loc_name_temp.loc_num )
and loc_defs_cr.loc_name is null

If some records can't be updated due to all needed fields are null, then manually updating these fields:

update loc_defs_cr set loc_title = 'Mr', loc_first_name = '-', loc_name = 'Mr -' where loc_num in (3849391,3708823) and loc_name is null
  • 3849391, 3708823 - loc_nums of the records that can't be updated



Check that the pricing is not giving discounts anymore. 



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