Restarting OAE/Postgres and Analyzer


This article will explain how to restart the OAE/Postgres database and the Analyzer component. 

A restart step is very often required for troubleshooting and resolving SenSage AP issues. For example, a restart may be required after changing configuration settings in some files or to clear some old tasks that are hung/stuck and can't be canceled.



Restarting the Analyzer (appserver)

Stop the Analyzer by running one of the following commands:

  • Sensage 5.0.1: /opt/sensage/latest/etc/init.d/sensage_appserver stop
  • Sensage 2017.X/2018.X: service tomcat stop 

Start the Analyzer again by running one of the following commands:

  • Sensage 5.0.1: /opt/sensage/latest/etc/init.d/sensage_appserver start
  • Sensage 2017.X/2018.X: service tomcat start


You can also use the restart command directly depending on the situation:

/opt/sensage/latest/etc/init.d/sensage_appserver restart


Restarting OAE/Postgres

Restart the OAE/Postgres component by running one of the following commands:

  • Sensage 5.0.1: /opt/sensage/latest/etc/init.d/sensage_atpgsql restart
  • Sensage 2017.X/2018.X: service sensage_atpgsql restart 


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