Checking Job errors in the Job History screen


You want to know the status of a recently executed job, to confirm if the execution of it (or any step of it) returned any error (like a duplicated value).



Jobs are created based on Steps. Every job has a list of steps that will be executed, that can be either checking the existence of a file, to execute complex mathematical algorithms to calculate a value of a field or a forecasting pattern to make decisions. Every single step can be audited by checking the Job History section in SSMS. 




To check the execution of a job and its inner steps, complete the following steps:

  1. Connect to your DB using SSMS.
  2. Open the SQL Server Agent, and look for the Job you want to check the errors for.
  3. Right click on it, and select Properties, as shown in the following picture:


    The Job Properties dialog box will open.


  4. In this dialog box, click on the View Job History link at the bottom:


  5. In this screen, you will be able to see the job status with a green checkmark as proof that it ran successfully. If you click the plus sign, you will see the steps related to that specific Job, with their statuses.


    When a step ran with errors (or a Job), you will see a red X as a proof that it had problems running.




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