Checking ADC Gun Configuration


Your ADC guns need to be configured correctly in order to connect to the application server. This article describes the process of verifying the current configuration and determining if it is correct.


  1. After logging in to the gun, usually with the last 4 digits of the serial number, go to Current Settings and press ENT.
  2. In the Main Menu, go to Alter Parameters, press ENT, go to RF Settings, and press ENT.
  3. The following parameters will be displayed:
    • Network Name: This is the ADC unit details and cannot be changed. A value will be displayed if the gun can connect to the CIMS server. 
    • IP Address: This will be the address of the unit. It must be the same as in the daemon file. It must be the same as any of the working scanners.
    • Subnet Mask: This is always
    • Gateway: This will be loaded when the unit is set up as part of the default settings. It must be the same as any of the working scanners.
    • Daemon Host: This is the IP address of the CIMS server. It must be the same as any of the working scanners.
    • Daemon Port: This is the port number defined on the CIMS server – typically 9244. It must be the same as any of the working scanners.
    • RF Group: This is the cradle bank the unit is assigned to.
    • FTP Password: This is a default setting and will usually be ‘rfdcuftp’.
    • Set SSID: This is the SSID of the wireless network and will usually be set to ‘vn2805as’.
    • Set WEP Key: This is the WEP key for the wireless network and will be loaded as a default.

<supportagent>The Daemon Host is provided to the customer when first setting up the ADC guns. If the customer does not recall this value, it was be acquired from PasswordState.</supportagent>


If you notice any of the parameters are not set to the correct value, navigate to each parameter, press ENT, set the new value, and press ENT again. Reboot the device and check if it is now connected to the application server. This can be verified by checking if the Network Name parameter in the RF Settings is not empty. If the issue persists, a reinitialization may be required. Refer to the Loading Software on to ADC Units attachment included, specifically the Initialisation chapter.




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