Verdiem - Release Notes and Known Issues


This article lists the Release Notes and Known Issues for two of the Verdiem solutions: Surveyor and EvokeIT. 



Feature Enhancements

  • Migration of UI from Adobe Flash to HTML 5: Surveyor Server UI is migrated from Adobe Flash to HTML 5 to improve security.
  • Auto retire machines if licenses are reclaimed: once the licenses are reclaimed for the machines, a provision is made to set the number of days after which to retire those machines automatically.
  • Added security contexts to Analytics and Dashboard pages: a permission level is added for Analytics/ Dashboard pages so that only the users with the specified permission can access those pages.
  • Change in behavior of Surveyor Admin pages: a default message "You do not have permission to view" is displayed to the users who do not have the specified permission to access Surveyor Admin pages
  • Improved wake behavior to focus on wired wake: Surveyor wake functionality now focuses on wired wake as the primary method for a reliable remote wake.
  • Surveyor Client support for Mac for versions 10.12.6 Sierra and 10.13.6 High Sierra: fixed issue where Mac OS blocked Surveyor client for 10.12 and newer OS's. Surveyor client now supports 10.12.6 (Sierra) and 10.13.6 (High Sierra)."
  • Display of custom error page when the user navigates to a page that does not exist in the Verdiem application: changes are made to display the custom error page whenever the user navigates to a page that does not exist in the Verdiem application.

Known Issues

Description of the issue Bug ID Fixed in version
Plugged in and On Batteries in Power Schemes>Advanced Settings tab overwrite each other VERD-7465
Global Permissions Under Roles need better titles VERD-7425
Export Not working properly VERD-7559
Maximum Number of devices Returned per view - not working VERD-7564
Manually assigning a device makes an increasing number of requests VERD-7582
Able to delete groups used in Auto Rules - NYU VERD-7914
Verdiem continues to retire already retired devices VERD-8128
Show/Hide unlicensed devices not working VERD-8136
Group not sorting VERD-8138
Not parameterized queries allocate excessive memory VERD-8195

Release Notes Archive



EvokeIT 1.1.302 version is a hotfix to resolve the bugs describe in the 'Known Issues' table below.

Known Issues

Description of the issue Bug ID Fixed in version
Resolved an issue in Power state transition tab where when the PSTM script is run, the following error is displayed in the client log: "script not signed properly". 156005 1.1.302


Release Notes Archive

EvokeIT 1.1.302 Release Notes




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