Getting permissions to qualify referrals and backdating


You need to enable the rights to backdate and qualify referrals in ResourceOne since the person assigned to this task is not available (I.E. is on sick leave).



To resolve the issue, you will need to edit files systems under the Activity and Account folders of the ResourceOne installation. To do so, complete the following steps:

  1. Ask the users which you wish to edit access to Log Off from the ResourceOne application.

  2. Using the Microsoft SQL Server Studio, run the following query using the last name of the users you would like to enable:
    select * from users where Last_name in ('last_name_1', 'last_name_2')

  3. Take note of their User_ID, First_Name, and Last_Name.


  4. Go to the following path and open the default.xml file:
  5. Scroll down until you find the <access> section of the file, and add new entries using the User ID and Name noted in step 3 following the structure as the other entries:
    <require type="userdata" field="user_id" value="[User_ID]" id="[First_NameLast_Name]"/>    

  6. Save this file with another name (e.g. Default_2). Then, rename the original 'Default' file to 'Default_bk' to serve as a backup, and rename the newly created file to 'Default'.

  7. Go to the following path and open the other default.xml file:
  8. Repeat steps 5 and 6 above.

  9. As an admin in ResourceOne, reset the Product and Resource Caches.



You can verify the new users have the permission by running this query in the DB:

select * from ctadmin..applications where application_id='[User_Id]'

Also, you can use the 'Mimic' option in the ResourceOne administration tab, mimic the adjusted user and try accessing an account to confirm the user can qualify referrals and backdate. If you need further support, please open a ticket.





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