You wish to add Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage medical values to the W2 forms
1. Create the User Defined Data:
- Click the Options Menu on your Cort Payroll main window and then click on User Defined Data Definitions:
- Enter the new Form name and press ENTER (or select an existing one if you want to update it). The example here uses the name W20, but you can name it anything you wish.
- Then Add the Screen Title. To do this:
- Click on New Item:
Populate the fields with the following values:- Item Name - Item Name, (The example here uses W20)
- Type (a/n/d) - N
- Characters - 9
- Decimals - 2
Click OK:
- Double-click the New Item field as highlighted in the right-side pane and add the position data as:
- Left - 100
- Top - 685
Click OK:
- Double-click on the New Item title that appears in the right side pane (w20 in this example) and populate the fields with the following values:
- Left - 135
- Top - 400
Click OK:
- Click OK on the User Defined Data Definitions window to save the Form:
- Click on New Item:
2. Add the new definition to the Input file format:
- On your CORT Payroll main window, navigate to Options -> Entry Control Specifications -> External Input File Formats.
- Select the Format code or create a New Format. This is where the new 'User Defined Data' will be added
- Select Commas as the format used.
- On the Items list, search for Employee number and double click it to add to the right column
- Next, double click on userdata from the Items list to display all the user-defined items:
- Select the required user-defined item for the external input file, created on Step 1.- Create the User Defined Data, in this case, W20:
- Once done, the items on right the right should have 2 items: EMP and W20
- Click Update to save the changes
3. Prepare the file to be imported to CORT:
- Open a new Excel file and keep only the two columns that are needed: The Employee number and the W20, which is the dollar amount of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage provided to each employee.
- Make sure that the two columns have no headers, i.e. data entries start from row 1.
- Format the entries in the second column as numbers: (to be displayed as 1234.56 instead of 1,234.56)
- Save the file as a UTF-8 CSV file, naming it as 'YYYY med ins.csv'. Open the saved file using a text editor such as Notepad. It should display entries in a format similar to the following:
4. Import the Prepared File:
- Import the file prepared by going to Entry > Read external Input File on the CORT menu:
- Then,
- Select the same File Format that you selected under the "Format Code" header in Step 2.
- Check the Suppress Printing box to avoid firing a page for this process.
- Click on Read File to search our file, selecting the CSV file created in the previous step:
- Add a comment for the change and click OK
- Once completed close the Data Import Function window
5. Run the W2 Utility on Reports:
- Navigate to CORT > Reports > W2's:
- Make sure to select the correct Tax year, and process the new records on the Actions > Prepare Totals Menu:
You will get the following alert after the totals are computed:
- Navigate to the Boxes tab on the W-2 Utility. Double click on the box where you wish the Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage to be added. In this example, the box selected is the 12a box:
- Add the new W20 values to this box.
- Select code 'DD' - Cost of employer-sponsored health coverage on the W-2 Box value definition
- Delete any existing user-defined codes
Select Type 'User Defined Item'
Select W20 from the Code/Item List
Click on Add:
Click on OK to save.
To check the results, you can print the result of one employee from Print > Print One > Employee on the W-2 Utility menu:
Check the printed values to confirm whether they are correct. Please contact support if you need any further help.
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