Canceling an incorrect credit note for orders


Your Customer Services by mistake selected a credit note for the order instead of a refund. You want to know if there is a way to delete the credit note so that they can refund the order.


Credit notes are set in the HS0D form:

1. Open HS0A, Search the order based on reference (order id) provided by the customer.

2. Using the Sales Order Number, open HS0D and search on the Sales Order ID.

3. Confirm that the Return is using Credit notes.



It's not possible to delete the credit notes from the CIMS UI as the Return Document is in DONE state, which in this case the movement and payment entries are already created from this Return.

Customer Support can delete the underlying movement and the related record directly in the DB to allow the creation of the new Return document with a Refund.

I this approach is suitable for you, please reach out to the Support team, provide the order id that you have an issue with, and customer support will do the following in the DB:

  1. Set the Movement back to PREP state.
  2. Delete the Item Lines in HS0D.
  3. Delete Payment for credit notes from the back-end.
  4. ​Delete the actual Return from HS0D.



  • The agent should have access to the customer's DB.
  • The queries will need to be adjusted according to the client's implementation and architecture.
  • It is recommended to create backup tables first before changing the data and drop the backup tables after the solution is confirmed.
  • Use unique names for backup tables so that they can be identified.

Follow these steps:

1. Set the Movement back to PREP state:

update gtrans_defs set gtrans_state = 'PREP' where gtrans_num = 'XXXXX'

2.  Delete from the front-end the Item Lines in HS0D screen.

3. Delete Payment for credit notes:

delete from pos_recs where cr_dep_num = 537092 ;
delete from sor_payments where sor_num = 4404618 and cr_dep_num = 537092 ;

537092 - a return ID is taken from the HSOD screen;
4404618 - Sales ID is taken from the HS0A screen;

4. ​Delete the actual Return from HS0D.

Since the child entry is cleared we can safely delete it from the front-end.

After this is done the agent will get back to you asking to recreate the Return with mode refund as needed.



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