HourlyShipped files that are sent from JDA are imported incorrectly into CIMS.
You are trying to re-import files with orders that have not been updated, and they are being imported but nothing is happening to the picks in CIMS.
All records imported from the Hourlyshipped files are initially written into a table ready for processing, the table name written to is SUP.CDI_PICK_DATA. One of the common reasons why you are facing the incorrect import is that the program is trying to insert or update into SUP.CDI_PICK_DATA table a numeric value that exceeded the precision defined for the column. Make sure that you don't try to import orders with order_id that exceeds 8 digits.
Please, reach out to Customer Support and we will check SUP.CDI_PICK_DATA table, delete the records with too long order_ids, and get back to you with the following instructions.
Check DB logs for the error message.
Follow the steps below in case you see the following Oracle error:
ORA-01086: savepoint 'START_PICK_IMPORT' never established
ORA-06512: at "SUP.IMPORTPICKS", line 427
ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column
ORA-06512: at line 1
Note: Replace parameters in <> with the real ids and date in SQL queries.
- Check if the SUP.CDI_PICK_DATA table has ORDER_ID values that exceed 8 digits:
where length(ORDER_ID) > 8; - Delete such records, if any:
delete from SUP.CDI_PICK_DATA where ORDER_ID in (<list of found order_id>);
- Ask the customer to try to run another import by placing the file back into the processed directory.
- Check if the run has been completed successfully (PROGRAM_STATUS.EXIT_STATUS = 'SUCCESS'):
select * from PROGRAM_STATUS
where start_time >= '<current day>' and is_a_form is null and prog_name = '/procims/sup/xp_problem/picks/ff_import_pick.exe'
order by start_time desc
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