You need to recreate dispatches for the orders manually shipped by your warehouse and which reflects as empty dispatches in CIMS, so that the picks can then be marked as completed to charge the order.
Please reach out to the Support team and provide orders IDs. The support team will reset in the DB the state of the order's despatched state to allow the order to have a new dispatch recreated.
Note: The agent should have access to the customer's DB.
It is recommended to create backup tables first before changing the data and drop the backup tables after the solution is confirmed.
Use the following SQL code:
create table sup.zd2860757_sor_payments as
select sor_num, dsp_num
from sor_payments where sor_num in (
select sor_num from sor_defs
where sor_ref in ('n1','n2', ... )
create table sup.zd2860757_sor_items as
select *
from sor_items where sor_num in (
select sor_num from sor_defs
where sor_ref in ('n1','n2', ... )
update sor_items set dsp_state = 'NONE' where sor_num in (
select sor_num from sor_defs
where sor_ref in ('n1','n2', ... )
) and sor_num in ( select sor_num from sup.zd2860757_sor_items)
update sor_payments set dsp_num = null where sor_num in (
select sor_num from sor_defs
where sor_ref in ('n1','n2', ... ))
and sor_num in ( select sor_num from sup.zd2860757_sor_payments)
where 'n1','n2', ... - are orders IDs provided by the customer
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