While setting up the account in order to switch your email host to Microsoft Exchange (for example), You get an error: "We need to prove that you own <your domain name>. Adding below TXT record won't affect your existing email or website".
Since this would need changing of the DNS Configuration, it needs to be done by our IT Ops team. Please create a support ticket and provide all the information from the error message - a screenshot that contains 'Name', 'Value', and 'TTL' values, or send a TXT file in either of these formats:
Value TTL @ TXT Record value 32600
TXT name: @
TXT value: Record value
TTL: 32600
The support team will get back to you as soon as the changes are made.
Escalate the issue to the IT Ops team and provide them with all the information from the client. Refer to the article Changing the DNS Configuration for more details. Once the IT Ops team makes the necessary changes, inform the client and ask them to verify if the issue has been resolved.
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