Closing Purchase Orders (POs)


You have some Purchase Orders (POs) that you want to close.


To close POs please reach out to the Support team and provide POs ids and the support team will update the docket to be in the DONE state in the DB, this should allow the PO to close normally through the scheduled queue. 

Note: The agent should have access to the customer's DB.
To update the docket to be in the DONE state use the following SQL code:

It is recommended to create backup tables first before changing the data and drop the backup tables after the solution is confirmed:

create table sup.zd2541306_gor_defs as
select d.gor_num, d.doc_num, g.gor_state, d.doc_state
from doc_defs d inner join gor_defs g on d.gor_num = g.gor_num
where d.gor_num in (
select gor_num
from doc_defs where doc_num in (
) and g.gor_state = 'WORK' and doc_state = 'WORK';


update doc_defs set doc_state = 'DONE' where doc_num in (XXX, YYY
) and doc_state = 'WORK';

where XXX and YYY are dockets ids provided by the customer.




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