Canceling hung order


You are trying to cancel all the items of the order but CIMS hung and became unresponsive.
Now when checking in CIMS this order doesn't have any items showing but the status shows blank and the delivery charge doesn't appear to have been canceled.


To resolve this do the following:

  1. Check if the outstanding payment is in the sundries.
  2. If it is, then make sure the payment has been fully refunded properly to the end-user in order not to trigger a double refund.
  3. Remove the sundries entry via the UI interface in HS0A (Home Shopping Order Entry) under the Sundries button (refer to the Home Shopping Order Management documentation in the attachment; point 6.2.5. Sundries button).


The agent can remove the sundries entry from the SOR_SUNDS table directly in the DB.

Before removing the agent should confirm with the customer if the payment has been fully refunded properly to the end-user in order not to trigger a double refund. Also, ask for explicit confirmation to remove the sundries and make the adjustment to the payment received.





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