Application is offline - unable to access the login page


Prologic application on one of the servers seems to be offline/unavailable as you are unable to access the login screen as it does not respond. However, you are able to successfully ping the server. 



There could be many reasons why the login page is unavailable. Please reach out to the Support team and provide the hostname/IP-Address of the machine which is unavailable and the support team will investigate and get back to you with the root cause and solution.


If the application server is up and running and still the login screen does not respond, then most likely there might be a problem with the DB Server. Check if the corresponding DB Server is up and running. If the DB server is down then escalate the issue to the PS team so that they can bring up the DB Server. 
Once the DB Server is up and running, inform the client to verify if they are now able to access the login page and login successfully.




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