This article describes provide general information about Data Summarization.
The data displayed in a higher level Surveyor dashboard and analytics reports is aggregated and summarized data.
When you install Surveyor 6 (starting with version 6.0.502), the following data summarization tasks are automatically configured in the Windows Task Scheduler and use the AdminCommand.exe tool found in C:\Program Files\Verdiem\Surveyor\Tools:
- Surveyor Resummarize Current Day: it summarizes data incrementally. After this task is triggered soon after installation, the task runs every hour to summarize the past hour of data.
- Surveyor Resummarize Past 30 Days: it summarizes data incrementally at 11:45 p.m. After this task is triggered, the task runs every evening to summarize the past 30 days of Surveyor data.
- Surveyor Resummarize All Data: it completely re-summarizes all available Surveyor data. This task is disabled by default. Running this task will take more time to complete than the tasks that summarize data incrementally.
Note: The time required for a data summarization task to complete depends on the amount of data to be processed. Data that is summarized on an incremental basis typically takes less time to complete.
Another scheduled task, Surveyor Delete Old History Data, runs every day at 10:30 p.m. and triggers the removal of historical data from the database that older than the number of days specified in System Settings option Keep detailed reporting device data for.
Data from two tables are deleted with this scheduled task:
- CompressedDeviceEvents
- DeviceComponentStateDay
The data from these two tables can grow in size especially if the task is not running because of environmental issues. Another table that can grow in size is the DeviceEventBlob table; however, this table's data is not affected by this maintenance task as it is not included in the "Delete Old History Data" task. The DeviceEventBlob table can be manually truncated directly from the DB without consequence.
If needed, attached to this article you can find clean-up scripts for tables CompressedDeviceEvents, DeviceComponentStateDay, and DeviceEventBlob. These documents contain queries and instructions to reduce old data and shrink the DB size.
Running the summarization process
The data summarization tasks that are already set up for Surveyor should usually be sufficient to meet your data needs for Surveyor reports. You can also set up your own scheduled tasks that call the AdminCommand.exe tool. If you need to re-summarize data outside of the already scheduled Surveyor tasks, you can do so using the AdminCommand.exe tool with the start summarization command.
To view the results of the summarization task:
- Open the summarization log file in C:\Program Files\Verdiem\Surveyor\Logs.
Settings that affect data summarization and reporting
The following settings and values affect data summarization calculations and how data is grouped and displayed in Surveyor reports:
- Device group, location, and policy assignments.
- Historical rate information for locations.
- Historical currency exchange rates.
- Device power draws.
- Device family assignments.
- Device baseline values.
If possible, it is recommended that you define these values before you run the summarization process for the first time to get the most accurate and uniform report results over time.
When you make changes to default baseline settings in the System Settings page or through a device's right-click menu, watt draw values, device family assignments, locations (device assignment), groups (device assignment), policies (device assignment), business units in metadata, only data that is collected and summarized from the time of the change will reflect the new settings (historical data will still be based on the old settings). To get the most accurate and uniform reporting results, you may need to re-summarize data.
Factors affecting processing time
When a large amount of data is being processed, the computer running the summarization process can use significant system resources and the process may take some time to complete. When re-summarizing data, it is best to run the task when Surveyor server is not required to be active.
Factors affecting the time required for the summarization process to complete the first time it runs:
- Database I/O. The summarization process potentially requests large amounts of data for the database to read out. The speed of database I/O can affect how quickly the summarization process completes.
- Defragmentation. Table indexes are defragmented during the summarization process. The amount of defragmentation required can affect how quickly the summarization process completes.
- Groups, locations, policies. Number of locations, business units, policies, and administrative groups.
- Memory. Available memory for SQL and the summarization process also can affect the time required.
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