When running a command line install, the properties described in this article can be passed in via the /qn switch.
Surveyor 6.0.4x and later.
INSTALLDIR and path names with spaces must be delimited by \"\"
Property | Description |
INSTALLDIR | (Optional) The parent directory for the install. The default is C:\Program Files\Verdiem\Surveyor Agent. |
INSTALLCERTIFICATE | (Optional) If set to Yes, Verdiem is added as a trusted publisher. Useful if you are planning to use PSTM scripts. The default is Yes. |
DATA_COLLECTION_DIR | (Optional) It specifies the directory where historical data and service logs should be stored (if you need it to be different than default). Available in Surveyor 6.1.0 and later. |
If set to False, the installer will not attempt to configure Windows Firewall to allow computer clients to join EnergyWise's domains. If not specified (blank), or any value other than False is specified, the installer will attempt to configure the firewall rules to allow computer clients to join EnergyWise's domains. The default is blank. Note: This parameter is valid only for versions of Surveyor 6.0.4x and later. |
EW_ONLY_MODE | (Optional) If set to True, the installer will create an EnergyWise configuration for endpoint security none, allowing a server-less EnergyWise agent. |
EW_PROV_INTERVAL | The interval, in minutes, that the agent will query the EnergyWise provisioning server. If set to 0, the agent will not poll the EnergyWise provisioning server. Negative numbers are not valid. The default is 15. |
PMP_MAX_BACKOFF | The maximum backoff time, in minutes, used when the agent cannot reach its PMP server. The default is 15 minutes. |
PMP_URL | The URL for the PMP web service, for example, http://<yourserver>/verdiemws/pump service.svc/PMP. Required |
REINSTALL | (Optional) A Microsoft property used for upgrade installs. |
REINSTALLMODE | (Optional) A Microsoft property used for upgrade installs. |
SETUSBBIOSX | (Optional) If set to Yes, the Windows registry key is added to prevent Windows XP from blocking suspend when USB mice or keyboards are enabled to wake the machine. The default is No. |
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