This article provides information on the Device, DeviceFamily, DeviceModelWatt, AdminGroup, and Policy tables, which are maintained through the Surveyor 6 Administrator console.
Below, you will find the columns and their respective descriptions for the following tables: Device, DeviceFamily, DeviceModelWatt, AdminGroup, and Policy.
Device: A device is a computer, phone, switch, or another device for which watt draw is recorded. A device, like a computer, can have components, such as a CPU and monitor display. This table should not be modified.
Column Description DeviceId The system-generated integer key. DeviceGuid The client- or device-generated GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) key. DeviceTypeGuid The device type GUID. DeviceName The device name. IsCheckingIn 0 for checking in the device, 1 for otherwise. LastConnectTimeUtc The last time the device connected, in UTC GroupManuallyAssigned 0 for device manually assigned to a group, 1 for otherwise. PolicyManuallyAssigned 0 for device manually assigned to a group, 1 for otherwise. LicensingDisabled 0 for licensing disabled, 1 for otherwise. IsLicensed 0 for licensed devices, 1 for not licensed. IsWolProxy 0 for Wake on LAN proxy device, 1 for otherwise. IsPortable 0 for portable devices, 1 for otherwise. PolicyUpToDate 0 for current policy, 1 otherwise. WolProxyPreference The Wake on LAN proxy selection order. Description An optional description. Processor For PCs, the processor. BaseBoardProduct For PCs, the baseboard ID. BaseBoardManufacturer For PCs, the baseboard manufacturer. ComputerModel For PCs, the model. ComputerManufacturer For PCs, the manufacturer. OSType For PCs, the OS type. OSVersion For PCs, the OS version number. OSServicePack For PCs, the OS service pack. OSDescription For PCs, the OS description. OSEdition For PCs, the OS edition. ChassisTypeId For PCs, the chassis type. PowerPlatformRoleId The power platform role ID. Version The software version. NetBiosName The NetBIOS name. FullyQualifiedDomainName The fully qualified domain name. LdapDistinguishedName The LDAP distinguished name. SystemBios The system bios. MemoryKb The memory in KB. EnergywiseDomainName The EnergyWise domain name. EnergywiseImportance The EnergyWise importance. EnergywiseRole The EnergyWise role. EnergywiseKeywords The EnergyWise keywords. EnergywiseEnergyLevel The EnergyWise energy level. EnergywiseEnergyUsageCaliber The EnergyWise energy usage caliber. EnergywiseEnergyUsage The EnergyWise energy usage. EnergywiseAdminStatus The EnergyWise administrator status. EnergywiseOperStatus The EnergyWise operator status. EnergywiseStatusId The EnergyWise status ID. EnergywiseEnergyUnits The EnergyWise energy units. EnergywiseEnergyUsageProvisioned The EnergyWise energy usage provisioned. EnergywisePhysicalDescription The EnergyWise physical description. EnergywiseId The EnergyWise ID. UsageEWL0 The level 0 milliwatt draw. UsageEWL1 The level 1 milliwatt draw. UsageEWL2 The level 2 milliwatt draw. UsageEWL3 The level 3 milliwatt draw. UsageEWL4 The level 4 milliwatt draw. UsageEWL5 The level 5 milliwatt draw. UsageEWL6 The level 6 milliwatt draw. UsageEWL7 The level 7 milliwatt draw. UsageEWL8 The level 8 milliwatt draw. UsageEWL9 The level 9 milliwatt draw. UsageEWL10 The level 10 milliwatt draw. DeltaEWL0 The level 0 delta milliwatts. DeltaEWL1 The level 1 delta milliwatts. DeltaEWL2 The level 2 delta milliwatts. DeltaEWL3 The level 3 delta milliwatts. DeltaEWL4 The level 4 delta milliwatts. DeltaEWL5 The level 5 delta milliwatts. DeltaEWL6 The level 6 delta milliwatts. DeltaEWL7 The level 7 delta milliwatts. DeltaEWL8 The level 8 delta milliwatts. DeltaEWL9 The level 9 delta milliwatts. DeltaEWL10 The level 10 delta milliwatts. TenantId The tenant ID. Currently always 1. DeviceFamilyId The device family ID. GroupId The group ID. PolicyId The policy ID. BroadcastDomainId The broadcast domain ID. LicenseCountId The license count ID.
DeviceFamily: The device family categorizes devices into PC, Mac, Phone, Switch, Router, Service, AccessPoint, Interface, and Unknown. This table should not be modified.
Column Description DeviceFamilyId The primary key. Name The name of the device family.
DeviceModelWatt: This table is maintained through the Surveyor Administrator console and tracks the watt draws for various devices.
Column Description DeviceModelWattGuid The system generated an ID for the model. Manufacturer The model manufacturer, such as Dell or HP. ModelName The name of the model. DeviceCount The count of the devices in the system for this model. IsManualUpdate Indicates if this row has been modified by the user using the console. CPUOnWatts Watts the model consumes while on. CPUSleepWatts Watts the model consumes while asleep. CPUOffWatts Watts the model consumes while off. DisplayOnWatts Watts the typical display for the model consumes while on. DisplayOffWatts Watts the typical display for the model consumes while off. IsPortable Indicates if this portable (1) or not (0). IsDefaultModel Indicates this is a default model (1) or not (0) that is used if no
information is entered for specific models.
AdminGroup: This table stores administrative group information and should be updated only through the Surveyor Administrator console.
Column Description GroupId The primary key. GroupGuid System generated alternative key. Name The assigned name of the group. Description The optional group description. GroupParentId The groupId of the parent group. Null if this is a top-level parent. TenantId The tenantId for this group. Currently always 1.
Policy: This table stores policy information, and should be only updated through the Surveyor Administrator console.
Column Description PolicyId The system generated ID. PolicyGuid The system generated GUID. Name The policy name. CreatedTimeUtc Date the policy was created. LastModifiedTimeUtc Last date the policy was modified. LastFiringDateTime Last date the policy was sent from the server to PC clients and the proxy server. EnforcementDisabled 1 for policy enforcement disabled, 0 otherwise. Description Optional policy description. TenantId Currently always 1.
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