This article provides information on the following table names:
: A collection can be a business unit (sales, marketing), location (Seattle, New York), or whatever you want the organization to be. This table can be modified.
The utilization percentage for computers must add to 100%, as well as the percentage for all displays. These values do not need to be entered. If they are not entered, the Global Settings usage percentages from the ComponentTypeStateUtilization table are used. The location can link to a specific utility and utility rate.
Column Description CollectionId The primary key. CollectionName The name of the collection (can be any assigned value). CollectionTypeId The collection type (1 for location and 2 for business unit). CPUOnUtilization The baseline percentage of time the CPU spends on during the day. CPUOffUtilization The baseline percentage of time the CPU spends off during the day. CPUSuspendUtilization The baseline percentage of time the CPU spends asleep during the day. DisplayOnUtilization The baseline percentage of time the display spends on during the day. DisplaySuspendUtilization The baseline percentage of time the CPU spends asleep during the day. vUtilityRateId Only used for location types, otherwise null. Joins to the UtilityRate table.
: This table describes the collection, i.e., location or business unit, and should not be modified.
Column Description CollectionTypeId The collection type (1 for location and 2 for business unit). CollectionTypeName Location or Business Unit CollectionTypeDisplay Location or Business Unit -
: It is tied only to Location. The administrator must define this value for collections before the summarization process runs, and every time a new client is added, otherwise, the Global Settings page values in the Sustainability Dashboard will be used. This table can be modified.
Column Description UtilityRateId The primary key. UtilityName The user assigned name for the utility rate. PeakRate The peak rate in the currency selected in the Global Settings tab in the Sustainability Dashboard. OffPeakRate The off-peak rate in the currency selected in the Global Settings tab in the Sustainability Dashboard. PeakStartTime The peak rate start time in the local time. PeakEndTime The peak rate end time in the local time.
Note: PeakStartTime and PeakEndTime for utility rates must be in local time.
: This table assigns the client to a collection and can be updated to associate devices with specific collections.
Column Description DeviceId The device key. Primary key on the Device table. CollectionId The collection key. Primary key on collection table.
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