Surveyor 6 Client Distribution

This section contains information for command-window installation of the client agent and some common ways to distribute the Surveyor Windows client software to a large number of computers. If you use a management system that is not covered here and would like some help, feel free to contact Technical Support.


Confirm 6x client distribution success

Confirm Mac client connectivity to the Surveyor server

Deploy the Surveyor 6 Windows agent using Group Policy

Deploying the Surveyor 6 client in a Deep Freeze environment

Distribute the Surveyor 6 Windows agent by disk image

Distribute the Surveyor Windows client agent through a Microsoft ConfigMgr package (SCCM)

Install Surveyor 6 Mac Agent

Install or uninstall Surveyor 6 Windows agent from the command line

Install the Surveyor Windows client agent from the setup program

Uninstall a Mac client



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