Users are trying to open or edit a knowledge object (i.e. authored document) but are getting the following error:
The requested URL is invalid or internal error occurred. Please see your system administrator.
Users may also state that they moved the document to the published state, but it still shows as Draft. The document does not show up in the failed list nor in a lifecycle management search of all documents.
This issue may happen when the affected document got stuck during the publishing process.
To resolve this issue:
- Try recontributing all of the failed objects:
- From the Knova Administrator portal, navigate to Manage Knowledge>Knowledge Re-Contributor.
- Select the checkbox for Contribute Failed Items and click Start.
- Once the process is complete, check if the article is accessible.
- If the issue persists, you need to export and then import the document that is not accessible.
- In the KADMIN database, look up the article in the document table to find its created/ updated date using the following query:
SELECT versioncreated FROM document WHERE documented = '<documentid>'
- Log into the Admin server and create a folder to place the exported documents (for example, D:\ExportDocs).
- From the command line, run the document export process for the date identified in step 1:
DocImportExport -export filepath –multiple –fromDate dd/mm/yyyy
For example,DocImportExport –export D:\ExportDocs –multiple –fromDate 01/03/2012
This process will create several XML files, one for each document that is exported by this command. The export will create files from that date forward and will export them in sequential order. - Check the contents of the folder created in step 2 (e.g., D:\ExportDocs) - find the affected document, it will have a name n.xml (where n represents the document id of the missing document).
Once this document is exported, wait for a couple of documents to show up after it and then stop the export process from the command line. - Create a new folder from which you will import the document (e.g., D:\ImportDoc).
- Copy the exported file you want to the newly created Import folder (i.e., copy the <documentid>.xml from D:\ExportDocs to D:\ImportDoc).
- Import the document using the following command:
DocImportExport –import filepath –overwrite
For example,DocImportExport –import D:\ImportDoc\10119.xml –overwrite
- In the KADMIN database, look up the article in the document table to find its created/ updated date using the following query:
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