Using the Check History Inquiry in 4Gov


The check inquiry tool in 4Gov gives users a summarized view of the status of checks for specified bank accounts, payee name or vendor number. 

This process can only be carried out by users who have specific access permissions to the module as granted by the administrator.


  1. Log in to 4Gov
  2. On the Home page, go to Purchasing/Payables > Accounts Payable
  3. Go to Checks > Check History Inquiry
  4. In the Access Mode options group, select the search method
  5. In the Order options group, select how the results should be displayed. Descending will display the most recent checks at the top. Ascending will display the oldest first.
  6. Enter the bank number or vendor number or payee name as appropriate.
    The Check field is optional and is used when looking up information about a specific check.
  7. Click SUBMIT
  8. The Status column shows the status of each listed check. Possible status codes are:
    R = Reconciled
    U = Unreconciled
    M = Mass reconciled
    C = Canceled
    V = Void
    W = Void as a result of a check rewrite
    D = User entered void through check reconciliation function
  9. Click EXIT to return to the Accounts Payable Home Screen.


The Check Inquiry Tool in 4Gov provides a summarized view of check statuses for specified bank accounts, payee names, or vendor numbers. By following the outlined steps, users can efficiently search and interpret check statuses.


  1. Who can use the Check Inquiry Tool?
    Only users with specific access permissions granted by the administrator can use this tool.
  2. What information is needed to search for a check?
    You can search using a bank number, vendor number, or payee name. The check number field is optional.
  3. What do the status codes mean?
    The status codes indicate the current state of each check, such as reconciled, unreconciled, canceled, or void.



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