Account History Inquiry in 4gov


4Gov has a feature that enables users to view the billing and payment history of specific accounts by using the Account History Inquiry module.  Additionally, this article covers the following related functions that will allow users to navigate to Master File Inquiry and Maintenance functions as well as to the Receivables Inquiry.  


Record Selection

  1. Log in to 4Gov 
  2. To access the Account History Inquiry, on the Home page, go to Utilities > Utility Billing > Account History Inquiry 
  3. In the Master file path selection, enter either the route number, account number or meter number to establish an inquiry path. 
  4. Once the detail is inputted, click Go. Alternatively, you may also click on Owner Name, Owner Address, Bill-To Name, Bill-To Address, Service Name or Service Address. 

Account Inquiry

After doing the steps above, the screen displays all transactions for the account specified, starting from the most recent one.  It includes the billing, reading, payment, adjustment, meter replacement and delinquent fee transactions with date, usage, amount, balance and a brief description for each transaction. 


Payment Detail

If you want to display the payment details of a particular transaction, from the Account Inquiry screen, click on the transaction date that you want to check. This opens a new window showing more information on the transaction and the corresponding payment distribution. 

Reading Detail

To see the reading details of a particular transaction for a specific account, from the Account Inquiry screen, click on the transaction date for a particular reading that you want to see.  This will display water and sewerage usage, average and year-to-date usage, cost per unit and the service code that indicates the source of the reading as shown below.  

Billing Detail

This module shows detailed information on posted billings. To display the billing details for a particular account, from the Account Inquiry screen, click on the transaction date that you want to check. This will show all water, sewerage, and refuse charges along with any arrears from unpaid balances from previous billing(s). It will also show all calculated penalties, interest fees, miscellaneous fees and other user charges, where applicable.   


The Account History Inquiry module in 4Gov provides a comprehensive view of an account's billing and payment history. By following the steps outlined above, users can easily navigate through different transaction details and related functions.


  1. What is the Account History Inquiry module used for?

    It is used to view the billing and payment history of specific accounts in 4Gov.
  2. How can I search for an account's history?

    You can search using route number, account number, meter number, or various owner and service details.
  3. What details can I view about a specific transaction?

    You can view payment distribution, reading details, billing charges, unpaid balances, penalties, and other fees related to each transaction.




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