Announcing Gensym G2 2021.3 Standard and Enterprise Edition General Availability


Product Release

Gensym G2 Standard and Enterprise Edition


Release Announcement

The Gensym G2 Standard and Enterprise Edition 2021.3 release is now generally available.



Changes in Release

● 5 customer-identified or internally identified issues since 2021.2
● Improved product quality due to additional internal fixes.


Licensing Changes

Please note that old G2 license files (for G2 2020, 2019, 2018, 2015, etc.) do not work with this version. If you have an active Gensym maintenance subscription, please contact support to obtain a new license file.

Please note as well that the G2 server will shut down the next day after the license expires.


Release Notes

The Release Notes are attached, and the release can be downloaded from our release distribution portal. Your designated person can download the release and follow the installation instructions to update your application.

If you do not have the credentials, please submit a support request indicating that you need access to our support release distribution portal, and our agents can provide you with a new set of credentials. If you would like to upgrade your support plan to take advantage of our Platinum Program features, please contact us for more information.

If you have any questions about this release, please open a support ticket, and our support team will be happy to assist you.

Thank you,

Ignite Global Support




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