Is There a G2 Bridge for OSI PI?


This article provides information about the G2-PI bridge used to connect G2 applications with PI systems.


G2 bridges allow two-way communication between G2 applications and any external system, including PI systems such as OSI PI. The G2-PI Bridge allows your G2 application to access the data points monitored by a PI™ (Plant Information) system. 

The G2-PI Bridge provides the following features: 

  • Two-way data transfer between G2 applications and PI systems. 
  • Communication with multiple PI systems through the same bridge process. 
  • Support for many G2 data types, facilitated by flexible data conversions. 
  • Extensive error logging and troubleshooting capabilities. 

The G2-PI Bridge allows two ways of accessing PI data: 

  • Using G2 variables. These variables can be of the classes osipi-int, osipi-real, or osipi-digital, which are defined in the g2-pi.kb knowledge base. You can also define your own classes for storing PI data.
  • Using remote procedure calls (RPCs) to read the attributes of PI tags and to obtain historical data stored in PI. You can use this data for trend analysis and for sophisticated inferencing in G2. 

The G2-PI bridge uses PI-API to exchange information with PI via TCP/IP. PI-API must be installed on your system to use the G2-PI bridge. PI-API is a product from OSIsoft.

For more information about the G2-IP bridge, refer to the bridge's user guide found in the G2 documentation included in the [G2 installation directory]/doc folder. 




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