Extracting Vendor Information from the Everest Database


Customers looking to extract information about their vendors/suppliers that is stored in the Everest can export the required information from the Everest company database.


Follow these steps to extract Vendor information from Everest.

  1. Connect to your company database using SQL Server Management Studio
  2. From the Object Explorer on the left pane, right-click on the company database (EVEREST_{Company name}) and select New Query
  3. Paste the following SQL query that returns the following highlighted fields for all vendors. From the UI, the information can be seen by navigating to the Vendors browser i.e. Purchasing > Vendors and opening a particular vendor to view the Vendor profile as shown:

    Vendor Profile - General Tab   Vendor Profile - Accounting Tab
    Vendor_profile_-_General_tab.png   Vendor_profile_-_Accounting_tab.png

    Note: The below query will return the highlighted fields for the top 100 records but can be customized as appropriate to add or remove columns based on specific customer requirements.
    SELECT TOP 100
    v.vend_code externalid,a.JOB_TITLE salutation,a.first_name firstname,a.last_name lastname,
    v.name companyname,a.url url,v.CATEGORY_CODE category, v.comments comments,a.email email,
    a.TEL1 phone,a.TEL2 altphone,a.FAX fax,a.MOBILE_PHONE mobilephone,a.full_address billing_address,
    a.ADDRESS_LINE1 address1_line1,a.city address1_city,a.state address1_state,a.zip address1_zip,
    a.country address1_country,a2.FULL_ADDRESS shipping_address,ourcustno accountnumber,
    v.EXP_ACNT expenseaccount,v.PAY_TERMS terms,v.CR_LIMIT creditlimit,v.FEDRLIDNO taxidnum,
    v.VEND_1099 is1099Eligible,(v.unpost_cr - v.unpost_dr ) + (v.cur_cr - v.cur_dr) openingbalance
    FROM Vendors v with(nolock)
    inner join address a with(nolock) on a.cust_code = v.vend_code and a.type = 1
    left join address a2 with(nolock) on v.vend_code = a.cust_code and a.type = 2
    and a.addr_code = v.SHIPCODE
    where v.active = 'T' and a.active = 'T';
  4. Click Execute or Press F5 to execute.
  5. In the Results grid, Right-click and select 'Save Results As' to export the query output to a CSV fileVendors_data.png

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