The Customers browser which is accessed through Invoicing > Customers does not provide a way to display whether the Residential checkbox is selected in the customer profile to indicate whether a particular customer is Residential or Commercial.
This article provides a workaround to generate and view this information through a custom Advanced Query Builder report.
Follow the steps below to create a custom report using the Advanced Query Builder utility showing the Customers list including the value of the Residential checkbox:
- Create a new Advanced Query Browser, by going to Utility > Advanced Query Builder
- Select the SQL Statement Tab
- Copy and paste this SQL query:
select c.cust_code, c.name, a.name company_name, a.RESI residential,
a.Address_line1, a.address_line2, a.addr_code,
a.tel1, a.tel2, a.fax, a.email, a.MOBILE_PHONE, WEB_SITE, a.city, a.state, a.zip, a.country,
from cust c
inner join address a on c.BILLCODE = a.ADDR_CODE
where c.active = 'T' - Click on the Update SQL button
- Click on the Browser Settings tab
- Select c.cust_code from the Primary Key drop-down
- Click Find to display the List of the customer with Residential column added to indicate if the address of the customer is Residential or Commercial; shown in the highlighted column below as 'T' for Residential customers and 'F' for Commercial.
- You may print or export this information and use as appropriate. Optionally, you can Save the Advanced Query Builder report by entering the preferred name in the Filter Name and click on the Save button for re-use.
Note: Refer to the attached screen recording of the above steps for further clarity.
List of customers showing which ones are Residential and which ones are Commercial in the customer profile.
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