Updating Zip codes in Everest 8.0.1


This article outlines the procedure to update the Zip Code database in Everest 8.0.1.


Zip code updates are made available to customers running Everest 8 and newer versions through Everest Help Center in the Platinum Community Downloads section. 

The update file is usually accompanied by detailed update instructions but at a high level the update procedure is:

  1. Download the City State file and extract it to a local directory to obtain a single text file named ctystate.txt.
  2. Log in to Everest with Supervisor credentials.
  3. Navigate to Utility > Import > Zip Codes.
  4. Browse your computer to find the extracted text file from step 1, renaming it to ctystate.txt if necessary.
  5. Click on the Import button to begin the import process.
  6. You should get the message "Import Completed Successfully" confirming the successful update of Zipcode information in Everest.
Note: The Platinum Community Downloads section will generally only include updates compatible with the latest version. Submit a support ticket if updating the Zipcode database for older releases i.e. Everest 7 and older.

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