"Specified sales document does not exist" Error


This article outlines the solution when documents listed in the Detail Activity view of the ledger account cannot be opened due to the following error:

 "The specified sales document does not exist"

The document may be reported as missing when being moved through a receipts journal resulting in the affected customer no longer having a credit on their account.



The above issue can occur when a Credit Order is canceled and moved into Credit Quote.

The workaround when this happens is to reverse the failed payment entry and creating a new journal entry to correct the failed payment entry by following these steps:

  1. Confirm that the sales document does not exist in the Invoices table in the database.
  2. Run the below query, updating the PRV_DOC_NO as appropriate, to check on the transaction history and confirm whether the document was canceled:
    select doc_no, doc_type, subcode 
    from tranhist
    where PRV_DOC_NO ='M1000 ' and PRV_DOC_TY = 11
  3. Check the Customer AR (Account Receivables) Aging Report to confirm for this particular customer that the credit is not entered in any journal.
  4. If no records are found in any of the preceding steps, proceed to reverse the payment entry which should create a correct entry with each applied payment being reversed.
  5. Create a new journal entry to complete the payment and apply the missing credit. 


The above actions should successfully reverse the failed payment entry which can then be corrected through a new journal entry. 

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