This article describes a workaround for importing data from one Stock bin into another by using a Stock Count Adjustment document which helps to avoid manual data entry.
The procedure described in Importing Stock Bins from Excel only works to create new Stock Bins into Everest hence the process does not support importing existing data to a Stock Bin.
Follow the steps below to import existing data from one stock bin to another using Inventory Adjustment Stock Counts:
Step 1 – From inventory menu | select inventory adjustment | stock count
Step 2: In the stock count browser, create a new document from New | In New Window.
Step 3: Select the bin into which the stock is getting counted. See the highlighted field. Click on three dots to see the Bin selection window.
Bin selection window, check the bin into which the stock will be imported. And click OK.
Step 4: Save stock count document.
Step 5: Click on Take snapshot to count.
Step 6: Click on retrieve items and import item into stock count document.
Step 7: Retrieve items would open import wizard for stock count excel sheet. From the drop-down select Excel Spreadsheet. Click on three dots to browse the file where the excel sheet is located to select. Worksheet needs to be selected from the drop-down and click on Next.
Step 8: Map the fields: Item code, qty_stk, stock bin and click on Next.
Step 9: Check the number of records to be imported and click on start to continue.
Step 10: The number of records imported would be the same, if there are any errors it would show in the number of errors field together with the log file.
Step 11: All the records get imported into the document, to view system cost and system quantity, click on view | show system cost and quantity.
Step 12: Verify the quantity of items imported and present in stock and save the document.
Step 13: Once verified, click on Mark as counted.
Step 14: Click on Yes for the pop-up message.
Step 15: Click on Finalize and adjust Inventory to save and create adjusting entries.
Step 16: Adjustment documents would be created as the final step.
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