Error:997 Failed to Retrieve Error Message from Print Engine


This article provides a solution when the error message "Error:997 Failed to Retrieve Error Message from Print Engine" is encountered when trying to print reports as well as Pick tickets.



This error is specific to a particular workstation/server and can be resolved by following the steps given below on the specific workstation/server that is experiencing the printing issue:

Note: Ensure the reports or pick tickets are built directly in the Everest environment in which they will be run. Reports created in Everest 5 for instance cannot be run and printed in Everest 7.
  1. Download and execute the fixCrystalReports.bat on the workstation where Everest client is installed by right-clicking and selecting Run as administrator.
  2. Change the workstation or server DEP (Data Execution Prevention) settings by following these steps:
    1. Open Windows Explorer > highlight 'Computer' > Right-click > Properties
    2. Select Advanced System Settings on the System properties window
    3. Select 'Advanced' tab > Click on 'Settings' under 'Performance'
    4. On Performance Options window > select 'Data Execution Prevention' tab
    5. Check 'Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only'
    6. Select 'Apply' and close the window
    7. Reboot the workstation/server once the above is done


Reports and pick tickets should print successfully without any errors.

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