The Accounts Receivable Aging Report does not match Balance Sheet


You are experiencing an issue where your accounts receivable aging report does not match your balance sheet. You cannot identify where this discrepancy is originating.


This issue can be caused by a variety of reasons. To solve this please follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure that the Accounts Receivable Aging Report only includes the posted transactions. More information about this topic may be found in the Using Accounts Receivable Reports article.

  2. Ensure that you are consistently using the same currency throughout your accounts and various reports, to prevent any balance discrepancies. More information about this topic may be found in the Discrepancies between Base and Foreign Currencies article.
  3. Check on the previous accounting period, as the discrepancy may be caused by a carried over balance from the past. To do this, navigate to Accounting > Account Balances > Period Balances
  4. Check and review your trial balance to see if there's any amount present that matches the discrepancy. to do this, navigate to Reporting > Financials > Trial Balance.
  5. Ensure that the correct accounts are configured in the report:

    In order to understand which account code is being used as the control account, open the Account Receivable Aging Report and click on the Advanced button. The list of the related control account will be listed under Account From/Account To:

    In the above example, the control accounts are 11310 and 21120. The Account Receivable account (11310) is usually considered an Asset and the Customer Advances account (21120) is considered a Liability.

    In such a case, you may need to modify the Reporting > Financials > Balance Sheet report to allow the control accounts to have the same parent.



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