Credit Card transactions are not going through


Credit card authorization errors can occur when processing credit card payments resulting in transactions not going through due to the following error message:

Denied:User authentication failed:


The "Denied:User authentication failed" error message is a direct pass-through message received from Payflow Pro when the PayPal Payflow Pro API Credentials are incorrectly configured in Everest.

This external article provides more information on the possible causes for this error: Why did I get the error "User authentication failed" or "Merchant identification error"?



This error occurs when the Payflow Pro account information being passed from Everest and the login information the payment processor expects is not an exact match.

To correct the error, re-enter the correct authentication information and ensure that Everest is sending all the fields correctly.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to File > Setup > Accounting > Processors.
  2. Right-click on the payment processor, and choose Edit.
  3. Open the Settings tab, and re-enter the credentials required by the payment service:
    Important: The User/Vendor ID, Partner, and Password fields are case-sensitive. See PayPal Payflow Pro API Credentials and Endpoints for more information on these fields.
  4. Click Save to update the configuration.


After re-entering the correct credentials, the credit card transactions should now be processed correctly. Contact support if the error persists after entering the correct credentials.

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