Initial iOS App Troubleshooting


This article provides tips for troubleshooting on iOS devices, to help you resolve issues with iOS devices.


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1. Tips to fix iOS App Issue If Only One Device Is Affected

If the issue is occurring on one device and has not been tested on other devices, try to replicate the problem. If you cannot replicate the problem, reinstall the App. Have a look at the article Troubleshooting iOS apps for further troubleshooting tips.

2. Tips to fix iOS App Issue If All Devices Are Affected

This is most likely to be caused by an update on either the App or iOS. Please record all information about the problem, such as:

  • Versions of iOS affected
  • When did the issue start happening
  • Which publication is affected

The case should be escalated to the L2 team providing as much information as possible, in order for them to investigate further.

3. Tips to fix iOS App Issue If Only Some Devices Are Affected

These cases are most likely affected by the environment in which you are experiencing the problem. Try to get the following information:

  • If the affected users all on the same network
  • The models of Apple devices affected and their respective iOS versions

The issue should be escalated to the L2 team along with the information gathered.



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