Using Text to Speech


Text to Speach (TTS) is a third-party feature on Olive Dynamic Newsstand (ODN) that converts text into a spoken voice output. This is a paid service, so not all publications or magazines may have this option. This article is intended to serve as an introduction to the use of this feature. 

Note: TTS comes with different icons and names, depending on the ODN version.


Select an article from the magazine or publication site. Depending on the ODN, the steps to follow may vary: 

  • ODN 1.5 – “Read out Loud”
    1. Click Read out Loud icon (see image below).
    2. Click play to listen to the text (see image below).
  • ODN 2.1 – “Listen”
    1. Click the Share icon  and click on Listen (see image below).
    2. Click play to listen to the text (see image below).



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