Create an Item Kit
To create an item kit, do the following:
• From the main menu bar, select Inventory > Items. You will see the Items browser.
• From the Items browser, select Options > New > In New Window. You will see the Item profile.
• From the General tab of the Item profile, select the Kit option in the Item Type field.
• Specify the required details (including the items contained in the kit).
You can create item kits from any of the following locations:
• The Items browser - Select Options > New > In New Window.
• An existing Item profile - Select Options > New.
The Item profile, for the Item Type - Kit, contains the same tabs as the Item profile, except the Add-ons and Related Items tabs.
• The Related Items, Multimedia, and Custom Fields tabs are displayed only when you save the profile.
• Some fields in the Item profile behave differently if the Item Type selected in the General tab is Kit.
• Although for a non-inventoried item, the selling price and the last cost can be defined as a negative value, the same does not hold good for a kit.
• The last cost of a Kit is not updated when there is a change in the last cost of any of the items that comprise the Kit. None of the related fields in the Purchase tab of the Item profile are automatically updated for kit items. The kit’s last cost has to be manually updated to reflect the changes in the last cost of component items.
The Item Profile - Details
Item Profile - Details - Item List
Use the Item List tab to specify the items that are part of the kit being defined.
Figure 4.37: Item Profile - Details - Item List Tab
Kit specifications grid
This grid lists the details of the items contained in the kit.
To add an item to the kit, do the following:
• In the Item List tab, right-click anywhere on the grid.
• Select Items > Selection from the right-click menu. You will see the Items browser.
• Select the required items and click OK.
When you add an item to the kit, details such as item category, description, cost, price and discount value are displayed. The sales and purchase quantity columns default to 1 with the quantity decimal accuracy of the selected items. You can change the sales and purchase quantity, description/notes, price, and discount values if required.
The price retrieved into the Kit specifications grid considers quantity pricing if any, defined for the item. When an item is added to a kit, it shows the default purchase and sales measures for the item. These measures can be changed to any other purchase or sales measure of the kit component.
The stock, purchase, and sales measures are all Each and cannot be edited.
The Price and Discount Values are for the sales measure in the sales price decimal accuracy. The cost displayed in the Average Cost/Last Cost column depends on the markup calculation cost type specified in the flow control preferences (path: File > Setup > Preferences > Flow Control > Items > Item Details tab). The Average Cost/Last Cost for a kit component is shown in the purchase quantity multiplied by the average cost. The Amount column shows the sales quantity multiplied by the price, less the discount.
The last cost in the Purchases tab of the Item profile is not automatically updated as you modify the kit by adding or deleting items. Everest displays a message asking if you would like to update the last and average costs of the kit with the new total cost of its components.
Based on your preference here, the last cost of the kit is displayed in the Item Details Grid when you retrieve the kit into a document.
When you add an item to the Kit specifications grid or change the quantity of a kit component and attempt to save the profile, a message prompts you to confirm if you want to update the last and average costs with the new total cost of the kit. You can change the price and discount for each item in the Item List tab. These changes are automatically retrieved into the document created for the kit.
• When kit components are retrieved into purchase documents, they will show the purchase measure defined in the Details - Item List tab. The purchase measure of a kit component can be changed to any other purchase measure of that kit component.
• When kit components are retrieved into sales documents, they will show the sales measures defined in the Details-Item List tab. The sales measure of a kit component can be changed to any other sales measure of that kit component.
The right-click menu options available from the Item List tab are:
Use this option to insert a row into the grid.
Use this option to delete a row from the grid.
The Items menu has the following sub-menu options:
• Selection - This brings up the Items browser from where you can select the items for the kit.
• Profile - This brings up the profile of the item selected in the Item List tab.
Inline Notes
Use this option to specify additional information in the Description dialog box for the selected item.
Pricing Analysis
The Pricing Analysis menu has the following sub-menu options:
• Pricing Analysis - Current Item - Select this option to view the pricing analysis for the selected item.
• Pricing Analysis - Kit - Select this option to view the pricing analysis for all the items in the kit.
The Retrieve menu has the following sub-menu options:
• Category - Select this option to retrieve all items belonging to a particular category.
• Kit - Select this option to retrieve all items belonging to a particular kit.
Move Up
Use the button in this option to move the selected item up the grid. This order determines the order in which items are:
• Retrieved into sales or purchase documents.
• Displayed
Move Down
Use the button in this option to move the selected item down the grid.
To set up an inventoried or serialized item, received for service or repair, as a ‘service item’, change the item type to ‘service’ by clicking the Type column and pressing the Spacebar key.
Everest eStorefront Advanced Edition User Guide > Chapter - Walkthrough of the Shop Pages > Section - How do I Set Kit Components or Related Items as Recommended Items?
Item Profile - Details - Pricing
Use the Pricing tab to define how item prices must be calculated when you retrieve the kit into a sales document.
Figure 4.38: Item Profile - Details - Pricing Tab
Specify the sales price calculation method.
Display the price of each item separately
Select this option to display the price of each item in the kit separately. This option displays the following fields:
Use item price defined in the kit details
Select this option to display the individual price of the items in the kit.
Recalculate the price of each item in the kit
Select this option to recalculate the price of each item in the kit based on any special pricing rules set up. Everest calculates the least price of each item, after considering all the pricing options set up, like Customer Level pricing, Quantity pricing, etc.
The following table details the price display based on the above options
Pricing Option |
Price Displayed in Sales Documents |
Price of the Kit |
Price of Individual Items in the Kit |
Use item price defined in the kit details |
Will not be displayed |
Individual prices of items in the kit are displayed |
Recalculate the price of each item in the kit |
Will not be displayed |
Individual prices of items in the kit based on special pricing rule are displayed |
Reset item prices to zero and display the total price of the kit on a total line
Select this option to reset the prices of all individual items in the kit to zero, and display the total price of the kit according to the options displayed. This option displays the following fields:
Use pricing defined in the Sales tab to determine the total price
Select this option to display the sales price of the item kit, specified in the Sales tab of the Item profile. The kit is added as the first line item with the prices defined in its profile. Everest displays zero prices for all individual items in the kit.
Sum item prices defined in the kit details to determine the total price of the kit
Select this option to display the sum of the prices of all individual items in the kit, as the kit price. The individual items display zero prices.
Recalculate the price of each item in the kit and sum them to determine the total price of the kit
Select this option to display the sum of the recalculated prices of the items in the kit (based on any special pricing rules set up). Everest displays zero prices for the individual items.
If the option Tax-inclusive selling price (Item profile > Sales tab) is checked for any of the kit components and you select either of the options - Sum item prices defined in the kit details to determine the total price of the kit or Recalculate the price of each item in the kit and sum them to determine the total price of the kit, Everest displays the following message:
"Some of the kit components are marked tax inclusive. When this kit is retrieved into a sales document, the total price of the kit in the sales document will be the sum of tax inclusive price for kit components marked as tax inclusive and tax exclusive price for kit components marked as tax exclusive. Tax will be calculated on the total price.
Do you wish to save?"
The following table details the price display based on the above options:
Pricing Option |
Price Displayed in Sales Documents |
Price of the Kit |
Price of Individual Items in the Kit |
Use pricing defined in the Sales tab to determine the total price |
Fixed price of kit as defined in the Sales tab |
Individual prices of items in the kit display zero |
Sum item prices defined in the kit details to determine the total price of the kit |
Sum of prices of individual items in the kit |
Individual prices of items in the kit display zero |
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