This KB article will provide valuable information about when to best use the locations, how to identify them, and tips for defining locations.
- The company wizard helps you set up the basic accounting structure of your company. You can also set up other information, such as payment methods, credit card processors, locations, etc. These are categorized as advanced setup options.
- As a company grows, it becomes necessary to track the activities of business segments within the company. Several companies create departments, cost centers and profit centers based on location, functions, revenue channels, product lines, or a combination of these.
- Everest allows multiple layers of location classification. The highest level in the hierarchy is called 'Locations'; the others are called 'Sub-Locations'.
- You may have places of business in Virginia and North Carolina. You can set them up as locations.
Note: A location is the highest level in the location classification hierarchy. - You can then set up your sales and administration functions as sub-locations for both Virginia and North Carolina.
- Further, you can set up sub-locations for sales of computer hardware and software, under the sales sub-location in each case.
Identifying Locations
The identification of locations is critical. Hence, you can set up the following only for locations:
- Separate sequence numbers for documents, journals, customers, and vendors
- Separate billing address
- Separate logos
Default Location
- Everest creates a default location called Main for which you can set up the address, logo and sequence numbers.
- If you do not want to further classify the locations of your company, the sequence numbers specified for this location are used.
- The default location is specified in the Default Location field of the Accounting defaults available on this path: File > Setup > Preferences > Defaults > Accounting > Miscellaneous tab. This is a mandatory field.
- If the sequence numbers for items, customers, vendors, each type of sales and purchase document and each type of journal are not specified for the location of the login location/sub-location, the sequence numbers specified for the default location are considered.
Tips for Defining Locations
Keep the following points in mind while creating locations:
- If your company has multiple offices situated in different territories, and you require different sequence numbers, billing address and logos for sales documents for each area, then create a location for each territory.
- If separate sequence numbers are required for each sales channel (such as mail order, web, and retail), then you must set up each sales channel as a location.
- You must define a separate location for each office in which Everest is remotely installed.
Example: A copy of the Everest database is installed in your sales office located in California. Since you need to carry out the synchronization process at regular intervals, set up California as a location.
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