Chapter 2: Setting up a Company: Benefits of Creating Locations/Sub-Locations


This KB article will provide valuable information about the benefits of creating locations and sub-locations.



Classifying the Locations/Sub-Locations of your company offers the following advantages:

  • Track and evaluate the financial performance of each location.
  • Provides information on the contribution of each cost center and profit center to the total costs and revenues of the location.
  • Create a separate set of sequence numbers for purchase and sales documents for each location.
  • Establish a logo for printing on documents for every location.
  • Assign customers and vendors to locations/sub-locations leading to better management of accounts receivable and payable.
  • Assign users to locations/sub-locations to identify the exact position of each user within the organization.
  • Preferences can be set to ensure that a user is not able to view the documents created by other locations/sub-locations.
  • Track expenses and revenue for each cost center and profit center within a location and across sub-locations.


If you have set up two locations - Virginia and California and sublocations Virginia Sales and California Sales, you can obtain a report on the individual revenues of the two sub-locations as well as combined revenues for both.


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