This article provides the procedure to import Sales Orders into Everest.
Sales Orders created on your online store or website can be imported into Everest in bulk through the Sales Order Import Wizard which is accessed by navigating to Utility > Import > Sales Orders > Import.
When you import Sales Order data this way, a Sales Order is generated in Everest for each Sales Order that was created on the online store.
Sales Orders to be imported into Everest should be in the required format as well as adhere to the following requirements:
- Data is imported into Everest in a pre-defined format using CSV (Comma Separated Values) files. All data that is to be imported from your online store must be converted to the CSV file format.
- When Sales Orders are being imported, Everest checks for the validity of US Zip codes (in the Sales Orders) against the zip code table, and if any zip code does not exist, relevant events are triggered.
Sales Order Formats
Orders that are imported from the online store are stored in two CSV files namely:
- Order data file
- Items data file
The Order data file and the Items data file are temporary files created in the database of the company currently logged into Everest. Sales orders are created using the information in the temporary tables.
Order Data File in Comma Separated Values Format
This file comprises a list of all the orders generated for the online store along with the order number and has the following fields:
- Order ID
- Date
- Numeric Time
- Ship Name
- Ship Address 1
- Ship Address 2
- Ship City
- Ship State
- Ship Country
- Ship Zip
- Ship Phone
- Bill Name
- Bill Address 1
- Bill Address 2
- Bill City
- Bill State
- Bill Country
- Bill Zip
- Bill Phone
- Referring Page
- Entry Point
- Shipping
- Payment Method
- Card Number
- Card Expiry
- Comments
- Total
- Link Form
- Warning
- CVV2
Items Data File in Comma Separated Values Format
The Items data file comprises the item details for each order generated on the online store along with the order number. The fields available in this file are:
- Order ID,
- Line ID,
- Product ID,
- Product Code,
- Quantity and
- Unit Price
Follow these steps to import Sales Orders into Everest:
- Set the Import Preferences to ensure that all relevant fields are populated when data is imported into Everest by navigating to Utility > Import > Sales Orders > Preferences to launch the Sales Order Import Preferences browser.
- From the main menu, select Utility > Import > Sales Orders > Import to launch the Sales Order Import Wizard.
- The Sales Order Import Wizard provides a choice of 3 Import Modes namely Standard, Yahoo and User defined import. Standard Import is discussed next.
Standard Import
When the Import Mode is selected as Standard, the Order Data File comprises the following fields in Comma Separated Values format:
- Order ID
- Date
- Numeric Time
- Ship Name 1
- Ship Name 2
- Ship Address 1
- Ship Address 2
- Ship City
- Ship State
- Ship Country
- Ship Zip
- Ship Phone
- Bill Name 1
- Bill Name 2
- Bill Address 1
- Bill Address 2
- Bill City
- Bill State
- Bill Country
- Bill Zip
- Bill Phone
- Referring Page
- Entry Point
- Shipping
- Payment Method
- Card Number
- Card Expiry
- Comments
- Total
- Link From
- Warning
- Auth Code
- AVS Code
- Gift Message
The Items Data File on the other hands comprises the following fields in Comma Separated Values Format
- Order ID
- Line ID
- Product ID
- Product Code
- Quantity
- Unit Price
- The Orders data file for the Standard Import contains the following additional fields: Ship Name 2 and Bill Name 2.
- The attached Sales Orders template (
Sales Orders.xls
) located at..\Icode\Everest\Client\Utilities\ImportTemplates
in the Everest client installation directory contains additional information on the Sales Orders import logic.
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