How to get Gensym License Keys and Files


You have purchased or renewed your Gensym contract and need to acquire a License Key (for new installations only) and OK Files (authorization files) for G2, Telewindows, Bridges, and/or Additional KB packages. Or, you require an evaluation license or an extension of your current license. Or, you have acquired a license for the 32-bit version of Gensym and now want to extend the license agreement to include the 64-bit version or vice versa. This article describes the process to request these licenses.

You will receive a message indicating your license has expired if you renew your G2 contract but do not request a new license.

Warning! Gensym does not issue licenses for G2 prior to 2021. If you require a license for a previous version of G2 or Telewindows versions, please contact your account manager directly. 

Note: License expirations are regarded as urgent issues. Nevertheless, it is recommended to contact our Sales Team and Support reasonably before the license end date.


  1. Download the Gensym- Authorization Request form.
  2. Fill in the form, taking the following into account:
    • Site licenses are issued to a company's name and can be used on any number of machines. These licenses always have an expiration/end date.
    • Perpetual licenses are licenses that do not have an expiration/end date. These licenses should be bound to a machine ID. The machine ID is the MAC address of your device.

      Note: If you want to change the server/computer that you are using your G2 with a perpetual license, please contact For FAQs about Licenses, refer to Frequently Asked License Questions.

    • G2 version: Only 2021 versions. Specify the edition required as an authorization file for Standard editions will not be accepted by G2 Enterprise.
    • Machine ID: Refer to Finding Machine ID for Gensym License
    • Number of Telewindows: The maximum number of possible simultaneous Telewindows connections to your G2 server. If an independent Telewindows license is purchased, specify the number of dedicated licenses by including the word dedicated after the number. 
    • For contract renewal, make sure that you have included the content of your previous license file (g2.ok file) in the form.

    Note: If you are using the G2 version 2011, it is recommended that you upgrade to a newer version as soon as possible to avoid license issues that will stop the product from working at the end of 2021.

  3. Contact support to request the installation key and license files.
    • Attach the authorization request file to your ticket.
    • If you need access to the Release Portal to download the G2 software, request the credentials in the same ticket making sure to provide your email addressorganization, and the specific 2021 version of G2 that you need to download.
  4. Once our support agents get approval from the Sales Team, they will generate your license files and share them with you.
  5. <supportagent>Refer to Creating and Sending License Files and Providing Access to the Release Portal for more information.</supportagent>


To test that you have received the correct license keys and files, please download the Gensym application and install the License Keys and Files.

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1 comment

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    Guido Cito

    When requesting a license for G2 in Linux that will be tied to a MAC address we would need to first run the machine-id executable file in order to find the provided MAC ID.

    The g2.ok license file will not work correctly if the actual MAC address of a Linux device is provided.

    It would be beneficial for all if the machine-id executable can be provided together with the Gensym- Authorization Request form (for Linux devices).

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