We are happy to share the release notes for the Prologic Point of Sale version 8.2.7.
The main changes in this release include important bug fixes aimed at improving the overall performance of the Prologic Point of Sale system.
While no new features were specifically noted in this release, it maintains compatibility with existing systems and enhances stability.
Bug Fixes
The following fix has been implemented:
- PROLOGICCID-1712 - This fix addresses an issue where a sales transaction was rejected when returning an item in a store if the original sale occurred at another store with a different pricing list. This issue is now resolved.
Known Issues
There are several known issues documented in the system, including:
- PROLOGICCID-104 - Scanner displays an error when accessing P04: "ORA-20010: IMPORT QUANTITY EXCEEDS CIMS QUANTITY ORA-06512: AT LINE 1".
- PROLOGICCID-1328 - Errors encountered by the program p0q-8.exe when changing the state of picks after scanning an item.
- PROLOGICCID-1554 - Error when attempting to set up a user in NA0M related to existing sort codes.
Upgrade Instructions
For users wishing to upgrade to this version of Prologic Point of Sale, please contact your Account Manager or Project Manager to discuss prerequisites and schedule an installation.
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